August, 2007

Melissa Hepler
941 575-0167

Vice President
Connie Johnson
813 986-4478

Lisa Kiefer
239 963-8443

Kim Cole
305 385-7240

OfS, Training Director
Randy Theen
904 342-0115

Top Dawg Handler Seminar with Amanda Hoskinson


I don't know about your club, but the ones around here seem to have a lot of new handlers. We also have a lot of other members that have not been on the trial field lately. With the SEKG getting geared up to host the 2008 National Championship, I thought it would be a good idea to hold a fund raiser to get some extra money for our KG. Top Dawg Schutzhund Club decided to host a handler seminar. We asked Amanda Hoskinson to come and share with us some tips and ideas on how to maintain the most points in a trial. (Editor*s note: Amanda Hoskinson has competed in 11 consecutive DVG Nationals. the dhv in Germany, 2 AWDF National Championships, 2 GSDCA/WDA National Championships, 3 IFR World Championships, 1 USRC National Championship and numerous Regional Championships.)

It was scheduled for Saturday evening because it is July in Florida and that means HOT and RAIN is most likely. Fortunately for us, the weather cooperated and it was mild and dry.

There was a super turn out and people came from all over the state of Florida. We had several clubs represented here and even some people that were not DVG members. Manson and Eve Johnson were here and they have been members of DVG for around 30 years. It was sure great to see them. They brought steaks for the grill*.but there was a catch*while burgers and dogs were included in the price of the seminar, the steaks were to be auctioned off! The bidding was a bit slow to start, then the gathered group started getting into it and after all was said and done, there were a few more dollars in the KG*s coffers. Our focus was to have an informative and fun event and we succeeded. The best part? The seminar, raffle, steak auction and a 50/50 drawing brought in over $700.00 for our KG with just one event!

Amanda had everyone on the field for some hands on training and I really think everyone got a lot out of it. They were able to ask questions in a very relaxed atmosphere and everyone was at ease. It was also a great social time for all to get together without having any stress of a trial. Everyone was able to get involved.

This event was important because we would like to see our KG have more fun and participation. Our follow up is going to be a mock trial in October. There is never too much practice and the Southeast*s fall trial season will be right around the corner. So watch the KG Korner and DVG America web sites for the date and details.

Submitted by Connie Johnson



KG Korner
11110 W HWY 318

352 591-0129

Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.

Roger A Caras

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