OFFICERS, 2007 |
2007 |
The spring SEKG General Membership meeting will be Saturday, March 17, 2007 at noon …this will be a working meeting with a lunch buffet and beverages provided by the SEKG. (Yes, you heard right… FREE FOOD! BE THERE!) Agenda items include; 1. 2008
LV Championship Immediately after the meeting concludes, we will start our KG K-9 Karnival with fun, games, prizes and icy cold beverages of choice... This event should last until around 3, providing time for the competitors to head back to their hotel to get a bit of rest before the competition begins on Saturday evening. Those folks not trialing are welcome to remain at the field and socialize until trial time, or head out to do a little sightseeing around the area.
Korner 352 591-0129 |
A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours. Unknown